The governing board exists to make sure that the school is well run and governors are accountable for the appropriate and responsible allocation of the school budget. It is a strategic role and acts as a check and balance on the performance of the school and the headteacher, who runs the school on a day-to-day basis.
The core functions of our governing board are:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding the executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of the staff
- Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
- Ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard.
Our School Strategic Plan is implemented through our rolling School Development Plan and an annual School Improvement action plan. These are reviewed regularly at Full Governing Board meetings and specific actions and milestones are reviewed every half term through the Headteacher’s Report to Governors.
The Full Governing Board meets twice a term. We have two sub-committees, the Pupil Progress Committee and the Resources Committee, which meet three times a year and report back to the Full Governing Board.
Our link governors are:
Safeguarding – Sue Blagden
Mental Health & wellbeing – Helen Patterson
SEND – Helen Smith
Health & Safety – Charles Mackain-Bremner
In addition, specific governors are responsible for individual strands of the School Development Plan and undertake school visits on a termly basis to monitor progress against agreed milestones outlined in the plan.
Safeguarding: all governors read and sign KCSIE annually, all governors have received additional safeguarding training, 3 are trained in safer recruitment, all have done Prevent training, the HT includes safeguarding in all her reports to governors and in her formal annual safeguarding report, the school participates in the LA biennial safeguarding audit, and the safeguarding governor reviews the single central record (SCR) with the Headteacher and receives anonymised reports of interventions in Child Protection cases.
Our Governing Board currently comprises 8 governors, with one vacancy:
Link role |
SDP role |
Committee |
Working Party (Strategic Plan) |
Sue Blagden (Chair) (Co-opted) |
Safeguarding |
Resources Pupil Progress HT Performance Review |
Academisation Future Facilities
Charles Mackain-Bremner (Parent)
Health & Safety Data Protection |
Resources Committee (Chair) HT Performance Review |
Future Facilities |
Caryl Shephard (Headteacher) |
Headteacher DSL |
All |
Resources Pupil Progress
Academisation Future Facilities |
Helen Patterson (Parent)
Staff Wellbeing FOCAS |
Fluency in Maths |
Pupil Progress Committee |
Future Facilities |
Governor Vacancy (Co-opted) |
Becky England (Staff) |
Attendance |
Pupil Progress Committee |
Academisation |
Helen Smith (Local Authority) |
SEN and adaptive teaching with focus on Maths |
Pupil Progress (Chair) |
Cate Turner (Foundation)
Vicar |
Courageous Advocacy and Links to the Church |
Resources Committee HT Performance Review |
Future Facilities |
Louise Hampson (Foundation)
Diocese |
ArtsMark |
Resources Committee |
Future Facilites |
A short biography of each governor can be found below.
Currently, three governors have children in the school.
There are no declarations of interest or related party transactions at the present time.