The school uniform is smart and practical, and emphasises that the children all belong to one school – ‘Our School’.
All children should wear appropriate dark coloured shoes for school. Not trainers and not high heels.
School uniform is available from SchoolShop or you can purchase many items from local retailers/supermarkets – either is acceptable for all items other than the school hoodie. Please see the link here to order.
We often have items of second hand uniform in school so please ask if you would like some and we may be able to help. We often have more than we can store so it would help us too!
- Grey trousers
- Grey skirt or pinafore
- Navy sweatshirt or cardigan possibly bearing the school logo
- Pale blue or white polo shirt
- Fleece jacket (optional)
- During the summer term, smart grey shorts or navy and white checked dresses may be worn as an alternative school uniform
- All items should be clearly labelled with your child’s name
- White t-shirt
- Navy shorts or games skirt
- Navy jogging trousers
- Trainers
- Football boots are ideal for field sports but not essential.
- Turquoise school hoodie (purchased from the school office) must be worn to PE, forest schools and on trips out of school
- All items should be clearly named and stored in a suitable bag.