
Our Latest News

Newsletter 14th July 2023

Newsletter 14th July 2023

Year 5 Taster Day Year 5 have their taster day at Norton College on Tuesday 18th July.Children should wear school uniform and will need a packed lunchwith them unless you requested a school packed lunch.

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Newsletter 7th July 2023

Newsletter 7th July 2023

School Council Events The School Council would like to hold a Pyjama Day on Friday 14thJuly to raise funds for their chosen charity ‘Great Ormand StreetHospital’. Please bring in a donation (suggested £1) on Friday.Thank you to everyone who bought books from the...

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Newsletter 30th June 2023

Newsletter 30th June 2023

Abbey residential Visit If your child has offered to bring in baking for when they accompanyClass 2 on their visit to the residential home please can this be broughtinto school on Monday morning.

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Newsletter 23rd June 2023

Newsletter 23rd June 2023

Let’s learn Together Class 1’s Lets Learn Together session will NOT take place nextWednesday 28th due to the school trip BUT please bring in Librarybooks to exchange with the pop-up library before we set off on ourvisit.

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Newsletter 16th June 2023

Newsletter 16th June 2023

Transition Days On Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st June Year 6 will have transitiondays at their respective secondary schools. Please ensure NortonCollege pupils are here in time for the bus as per your email last week.Also, on Wednesday 21st our September new...

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