

Our curriculum is based around the National Curriculum 2014.


The national curriculum is a set of subjects and standards used by primary and secondary schools so children learn the same things. It covers what subjects are taught and the standards children should reach in each subject.

Follow this link to the Department of Education website.

Whilst the National Curriculum lays down a number of attainment targets for pupils, it accepts that all children have individual needs, abilities, and skills, and it is the school’s responsibility to meet those needs and educate each child to the limit of his/her potential, by providing a rich and lively environment in which each child is stimulated to learn.

We organise our the curriculum coverage in our school around themes which change on a termly basis, on a four year rolling program. This plan covers a range of history, geography, science and Christian values such as love and ensures we cover all aspects of the national curriculum.

The themes are used to inspire the children and provide a purpose for their work, though our long term plan ensures we still cover all areas of the National Curriculum and EYFS.

We have a four year plan.

Please click here for Year A.

Please click here for Year B.

Please click here for Year C.

Please click here for Year D.

We have adopted Reading Planet Rocket Phonics scheme from the list of the DfE approved phonics scheme. This is used throughout school where appropriate.

We use a Singaporian maths scheme called Maths No Problem. We follow the Scheme of Work for this (this is available in school), which we adapt to classes where appropriate. In addition to this we supplement the curriculum with Mastering Number from the NCETM in YR-Y2, Times Tables Rock Stars, Mathletics, daily fluency activities in KS2 and other activities if we identify a particular gap.

Whilst the National Curriculum lays down a number of attainment targets for pupils, it accepts that all children have individual needs, abilities, and skills, and it is the school’s responsibility to meet those needs and educate each child to the limit of his/her potential, by providing a rich and lively environment in which each child is stimulated to learn.

Please use the links below to find out what our children will be taught.


Our Curriculum

In addition we have outlines of the progression we would like children to make in each year for each subject to cover the substantive, disciplinary, conceptual and procedural knowledge we aim for our pupils to attain and retain. Please expand the topics below for more information.

Art and Design

Click here to see the ladder for art.

British Values

We ensure we educate children around British Values through a combination of class work, playtime and worship activities

Business Studies
Design and Technology

Click here to see the ladder for DT.

Drama / Performing Arts

In English we use this following progression to cover writing, SPaG and speaking and listening. In addition we have adopted Reading Planet Rocket Phonics scheme from the list of the DfE approved phonics scheme. This is used throughout school where appropriate.


Click here to see the ladder for geography.


Click here to see the ladder for history.

ICT / Computer

Click here to see the ladder for computing.

Computing Long Term Plan


In maths, the basis of our curriculum is Maths No Problem (see here for progression document). In addition we supplement this with Mastering Number, fluency tasks, Times Tables Rock Stars and other extension tasks.

Modern Foreign Languages

Click here to see the ladder for French.


Click here to see the ladder for music.

Click here to view the music development plan

Personal ,Social, Health, & Citizenship Education (PSHCE)

Personal, social and health education and citizenship contribute to the school curriculum by helping to give children the skills, knowledge and understanding to lead confident, healthy and independent lives, and to become informed, active, responsible citizens.

We currently use the Jigsaw program to base our learning around. Many elements of health education are taught through the subjects of the National Curriculum and other time-tabled provision, in addition to being promoted through the wider aspects of school life.

The school operates a no smoking policy.

In addition we have a separate RSE policy – please see the policy section.

Click here to see the ladder for PSHCE.

Physical Education

We use a wide range of venues and providers to support our PE curriculum. On the school site PE takes place in the village hall and, in fine weather, on the village playing field. During the Summer term, the whole school have swimming lessons. These lessons are held at Pickering Swimming pool. In addition in recent years we have taken part in inter-school competitions and traveled to Scarborough Gym Club for gymnastics sessions.

In the interest of health and safety all children must change for their PE lessons, and remove ALL items of jewellery. If children wear earrings to school, they should only be studs. Necklaces should not be worn to school unless for medical reasons. Long hair should be tied back.

Click here to see the ladder for PE.


Children are explicitly taught the skills of reading (outlined in the National Curriculum and the KS2 test domains) through the use of VIPERS which were created by Rob Smith (The Literacy Shed). The Reading Vipers can be used with both KS1 and KS2 with a little adaptation. The main difference being in the S, which is sequence in KS1 and summarise in KS2.

In KS1, ‘Explain’ is not one of the content domains, rather it asks children why they have come to a certain conclusion, to explain their preferences, thoughts and opinions about a text.

As well as phonics teaching and one to one reading, the whole school are taught reading skills in whole class guided reading sessions using VIPERS as a framework once a week, which are at least an an hour from Year 2 upwards.

From Key Stage Two upwards we would expect written work in most sessions and explicit modelling of this.

In addition, in guided reading sessions, we would expect an element of choral reading based around the Readers Theatre approach.

Religious Education

RE is part of the core curriculum, and contributes to the overall aims of education to promote the spiritual, moral and cultural and mental development of pupils at the school, and to prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experience of adult life.

It is taught in accordance with the requirements of North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus.

Parents retain the right to withdraw their children on religious grounds from this subject.

Click here to see the ladder for RE – Understanding Christianity.

Click here to see the ladder for RE – NYCC Sacre units.


Children are given the opportunity to represent our school in a regular inter-school sports competition. Sport is a very important part of our school life. There are a wide range of after school sports clubs, opportunities to take part in Forest Schools activities and quality sports teaching within the school day.


Click here to see the ladder for Animals inc Humans.

Click here to see the ladder for Earth and Space.

Click here to see the ladder for Electricity.

Click here to see the ladder for Evolution and Inheritance.

Click here to see the ladder for Forces and Magnets.

Click here to see the ladder for Light and Sound.

Click here to see the ladder for Living Things and their Habits.

Click here to see the ladder for Materials and States of Matter.

Click here to see the ladder for Seasonal Changes.

Click here to see the ladder for Rocks.

Extra Curricular Activities

The range of activities varies from time to time, but we try to offer a variety of activities throughout the year including:

  •  Games
  •  Art
  •  Music
  •  Drama
  •  Cookery
  •  Computer skills

In school, we recognise the value of extra curricular activities and hope that parents will co-operate fully with us to ensure their success.

Educational Visits

Staff like to take pupils out of school as a planned part of their work to develop a variety of skills outside the school setting. Residential visits are offered to Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 pupils every year. The Governors’ charging policy applies in the case of all visits involving expenses.


From the outset, children are encouraged to take home reading books to read with/to parents. Please help your children to care for them. Reading books should be brought to school each day. It is very important that children develop their skills in reading, as well as a love of books, from an early age. We also have a link with our local library as an outreach pop-up so children can share library books too.


Homework is kept to a suitable level of reading, spellings and number work (where appropriate). Children may also be asked to bring in or research topic work depending on their age. Year 6 children are given revision work to prepare for the Year 6 tests and also for moving on to the secondary school. School feels that children’s own recreation time and after-school activities are an important part of their life and should not be overtaken by homework. Children work hard enough at school.

Further Information

If you require any further information about the school curriculum please contact the school office